Sunday, 22 July 2012

My big time obsession.

I fought this every step of the way. I was certain there was no room in my heart for another boy band. I was wrong, wrong, wrong. I would like to thank my dear friend Ashley for opening my eyes to a world of magic that I had been missing.

I fell hard and recklessly for Big Time Rush. Who could resist the overwhelming charisma of James Maslow, Logan Henderson, Carlos Pena and Kendall Schmidt?! Definitely not myself. I've been sucked in. My iPod consists of different Big Time Rush playlists. My iTunes is stocked up with every Big Time Rush episode. My car has the BTR Summer Tour CD I made on repeat. If you checked my Youtube history you would see clip after clip of Big Time Rush interviews, performances and randomness. 

All of the above has lead to the following, a Big Time Adventure. I have yet to see four of my favorite men in concert, but that will all change soon. After the Summer Mixtape Festival (a weekend we're calling Boyband Bonanza) in Hershey, PA where I'll be seeing my beloved Backstreet Boys, the New Kids on the Block, The Wanted as well as 98 Degrees, we will be driving from Hershey to Bristow, VA for my first Big Time Rush concert!

I'll be home for a month before the actual Big Time Adventure begins. This will consist of the following:

Sunday, Sept 16th, 2012 - Vancouver, BC with VIP passes.
Monday, Sept 17th, 2012 - Puyallup, WA with VIP passes.
Saturday, Sept 22nd, 2012 - Ontario, CA with VIP passes.

I cannot wait! I'm still trying to figure out how to squeeze in another concert sometime in August to tide myself over before September. Scheming, scheming, scheming..

1 comment:

  1. you're welcome!!!

    i am sooo excited for big time adventure!!! =)
