Monday 30 January 2012

Backstreet girl becomes a New Kid.

Before I chronicle the madness that was my summer of NKOTBSB concerts, I'd like to clear the air. I had not seen the New Kids in concert, nor did I listen to their music. I am not, or should I say was not a New Kids on the Block fan pre-2011. They were before my time. I had the Backstreet Boys, there wasn't room in my life for anyone else. I am, however, a Wahlberg fan - Mark or Donnie, they both do it for me!

Since the two bands would be sharing equal stage time I figured it was in my best interest to do some research. I tracked down a setlist from the first few NKOTBSB shows, and began downloading. I wanted to be familiar with what was being performed. I liked what I was hearing! The older stuff was a bit difficult to listen to at times, but I was enjoying their newer songs. If Dirty Dancing or Summertime comes on while we're driving, my sister and I can not be held accountable for our dance actions!

Besides my obvious attraction to Donnie, I had picked another favorite - Johnathon. He was adorable! I had stumbled upon his interview with Oprah, and I was moved to tears with what he has had to deal with and overcome as an individual and as a member of NKOTB.

I had done all I could do to learn the basics in a few months. I was ready for the concert! Or two.. Or three.. By the end of the madness, I was hooked. Those New Kids sure know how to put on a show worth seeing! By the end of the third NKOTBSB concert, my sister and I were singing and swaying right along with the rest of the NKOTB fans.


  1. jonathan is totally my fav too!!! you follow him on twitter? his tweets are halarious!!

    i was in the smae boat as you...i was not a nkotb fan pre i love them...dirty dancing is my jam!!...haha!! =)

  2. I do follow him on Twitter! He's HA-larious!

    Remember when the New Kids were dressed in white, and one by one they came out and sat on stools? Well, Johnathon missed his cue - came running out still getting dressed and Danny and Donnie lost it. John looked so embarrassed! He's cute as a button.
